Dr K V N Geetha Devi MD
Professor & HOD

Sl.No.Name of the DoctorDesignation Date of Birth DepartmentDate of joining as Asst. ProfessorMobile NoEmail IdRBCW/CISP/BCBRPublicationsDate of Publication
1Dr.  K.V.N Geetha DeviMD.,Anatomy  Professor & HOD25/07/1965Anatomy04-08-20109247631402geethadevi297@gmail.comCompletedIJRMSA study of variations in the branching pattern of facial nerve in the faceFeb-15
         IJRMSA Variation of superficial palmar arch formed alone by ulnar artery -a case reportMar-23
         IJCARA Case Report : An Accsesary  left renal atreryApr-15
         IJRMSA Study of morphometric variations of fallopian tube in female foetusesMay-15
         IJRMSA Study on Structural variations of the Parotid glandsDec-15
         EJBPS A Study on Bilobed pattern of the parotid salivary glands in fetusesJul-16
         IJRMS A Cadaveric Study for Structural Variations of the StomachAug-16
         EJBPSA Study of variations in the origin of radial artery in adult cadaveric specimensAug-16
         EJBPS A Study on Structural anomalies of placenta in full term paturationsAug-16
         ACTAMEDICA MARTINAINAA Correlative interaction between thyroid dysfuntion and semen parameters in male infertility a prospective case control study.Mar-22
2Dr. N.Srikantha RaoMD.,Anatomy Assistant Professor07-04-1977Anatomy23/07/2015 9490892227sree.svmc@gmail.comCompletedIJARMorphogenesis of Human Testes at Different age groupsSep-18
         IJSRHistogenesis of Human Testes at Different age GroupsSep-18
         IJARPancreas:Anatomy,Embryology & Histology- A Review ArticleApr-16
         IJSREmbryology,Histogenesis and Anatomy of Thyroid Gland-A Review ArticleApr-16
3Dr.T. SravaniMD.,Anatomy Assistant Professor15/06/1980Anatomy23/09/20158297956867sravani_tr@yahoo.comCompletedIndian Journal of clinical Anatomy and PhysiologyAnomalous development of thyroid gland; a cadaveric study in costal population of Andhra PradeshApr-19
         IOSR (international organisation of scientific research) journal of dental and medical sciencesA Study on the Branching Pattern of External Carotid arteryJun-19
         International Journal of anatomy and researchEvaluation of the mental foramen position using digital panoramic radiographs in selected costal population of Andhra PradeshJul-19
         International Journal of anatomy and researchAwareness of first year MBBS students on MBBS degree and their ideas; An unexpected realityJun-19
          Facial soft tissue thickness of southeast Indian state population for forensic facial reconstructionOngoing in 2023
4Dr.T. KavithaMD.,Anatomy Assistant Professor05-08-1980Anatomy09-01-20209492630663kavithathutakula@gmail.comCompleted Morphology and morphometry of glenoid cavity -its importance in shoulder prosthesis Ongoing in 2023
          Abnormal Bifurcation of Brachial Artery and it’s Clinical imporatnaceOngoing in 2023
          Awareness of breast feeding practices among mothers in a rural area of nelloreOngoing in 2023
5Dr.M V R MayuriMD.,Anatomy Assistant Professor25/12/1984Anatomy06-04-20229121831779madalamayuri@yahoo.comRBCW Not CompletedIJARThe suprascaplar notch:Its morphology morphometry and clinical significanceJan-20
         IJARA Study on incidence of communicating branch between musculocutaneous nerve and median nerveApr-21
          Morphology and morphometry of glenoid cavity -its importance in shoulder prosthesis Ongoing in 2023
6Dr.K Deva PriyankaMD.,Anatomy Assistant Professor06-07-1987Anatomy06-07-20226302311771dr.kdevapriyanka@gmail.comNot Completed Abnormal Bifurcation of Brachial Artery and it’s Clinical imporatnaceOngoing in 2023
7Dr.E.B.Swarna ReddyMD.,Anatomy Assistant Professor15/06/1969Anatomy06-09-20229110556558swarnareddydr@gmail.comBCBR Completed Embryological renal anomalies and it’s clinical importanceOngoing in 2023


Sl.No. Name of the Faculty Designation
Dr. K.V.N Geetha Devi
Professor and HOD
Dr. N.Srikantha Rao
Assistant Professor
Dr.T. Sravani
Assistant Professor
Dr.T. Kavitha
Assistant Professor
Dr.M V R Mayuri
Assistant Professor
Dr.K Deva Priyanka
Assistant Professor
Dr.E.B.Swarna Reddy
Assistant Professor